Friday, June 10, 2011

Day Four: Reflections

I have officially completed my first week of my Jubilee Fellows internship! (Goodness, this summer is going to fly by!) Here are some things I have learned and experienced so far:

Wellshire is a big and beautiful church. The staff is even more beautiful than the building, and so welcoming. Everyone was about as excited to meet me as I was to meet them! Their love and concern are so evident. I automatically belonged here. My supervisor, Holly, is so fantastic. I have absolutely loved working with her and learning from her these four days.

I learned how to make coffee.
I learned how to make a copy, and how not to make a copy (Apparently, the goal is to NOT PASS OUT).
I have a desk!
I attended a staff meeting where the staff finalized the plan for each and every day from now until December 31.
I got to see how the different members of the staff worked together. I'm starting to get to know everyone.
I also learned that it takes time for me to feel comfortable with new people, willing to talk and share my ideas. The beginning of every meeting with new people started with simple observation on my part, but I eventually was able to joke, laugh, and plan with them.
I worked on the script for Music Camp.
I researched the depth of many passage of scripture and wrote up questions and other study material.
I got to meet some of the senior leaders in the youth group. They are awesome. I am so excited to be a part of planning events for them this summer!
I got to help write the Bible study materials for the youth mission trip next week.

Tomorrow afternoon I will hop on a bus, with 50 high schoolers and 9 other leaders, bound for Galveston, Texas. We will be serving the people of Galveston through reconstruction, painting, installation, and any other jobs that are sent our way. I am so excited to start getting to know the youth group! If they are anything like the staff at Wellshire, I am going to love them to pieces. I can't wait to see how the Lord works in the hearts of the Texans and the students, as well as the ways he will shape and teach me.

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