Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Catch-Up Post

I am more than half way through my summer at Wellshire! Here's what I've been up to since the last blog post.

My mentor was gone the week after Music Camp so I took a much-needed slower week, and spent some time with the congregational care pastor.  I got to go along on some pastoral care visits, which were hard and wonderful at the same time. We visited a new born baby at her home, just days old, and gave her a gift from the Sunday School. We visited a woman in the hospital who had an infection in her leg, and was so happy to see someone from the church. We visited another woman who had a cracked pelvis and the pastor took me out to lunch, asked me hard questions and paid for my pizza. I was pushed about denominations and the contrast between the way I was raised and the things I have chosen, and the church I am serving this summer. I learned the church work of collating bulletin inserts and accepting new members. I wrote the Congregational Prayer and got to pray it from the pulpit on Sunday morning.

Moses and his Israelite friends
ready to teach the kids about unleavened bread!

The next week Holly was back and we got to work on setting up for VBS. It was a blast.  We made egg shakers and read curriculum.  We dressed a rabbit puppet up like a chef.  We construction papered, and magic markered, and toilet-paper tubed. And Holly taught me, once again, how to go all in, how to do nothing half way.  We ate cinnamon bears, and I was energized by organized lists, and careful planning, and creatively bringing about a vision for the kids.

At the end of the week, my rabbit and I could hardly wait for Tuesday.

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